A short, bandy-legged man hopped to do as he had been bidden.
Their leader, a bandy-legged man in a breastplate and leather breeches, stopped to survey the scene before him.
They didn't like the look of the bandy-legged man at all as he came nearer.
Maybe they are in that" To the children's enormous relief the bandy-legged man moved on.
It was led by the bandy-legged old man who, having lived for thirty-two seasons, was now approaching the time when he must die.
'Whatever happened to that bandy-legged man who shaves his head?'
Then the hallway was clear around him, and he was facing a bandy-legged man with a long knife in each hand.
He was a short, bandy-legged man with a rather stupid weathered face and a shock of sandy hair.
He was a small, bandy-legged man, with a certain resemblance to a chimpanzee who never got invited to tea parties.
The bandy-legged, goblin-like little men who ran the place never bothered to stop anyone unless they appeared to have hidden a horse about their person.