The owner hopes to refinance the hotel through the Swiss bank UBS and convert it to longer-term residential use, according to the affidavit.
The continued slump in equity trading and mergers has led the Swiss bank UBS to lay off 500 investment bankers worldwide.
They were paid for by Bertarelli and supported heavily by the Swiss bank UBS.
But the Swiss bank UBS evacuated its offices at 100 Liverpool Street, near the station.
According to a report compiled by Swiss bank UBS in the month of August 2006, Oslo and London were the world's most expensive cities.
The Swiss bank UBS adopted the latter so called "bail-in bonds".
The Swiss bank UBS said it would report a big third-quarter loss, in part because of Long-Term Capital's troubles.
Swiss bank UBS approved Scala for general production usage.
The District also targeted white collar crime, prosecuting several bank-related cases, including one against Swiss bank UBS.
In 2000, he quit his job as an executive with the Swiss bank UBS so as to be able to write full-time.