That, he said, would only be a viable alternative if the bank concludes that the shareholder has little income and no other substantial assets.
In 2002, the bank concluded a pact with Corporation Bank for sharing its ATMs.
But many other banks may conclude that they are adequately covered.
Some banks and insurance companies that looked at Kemper concluded that a price above $60 was unattractive, according to executives who examined Kemper's books.
IN the end, he said, the bank concluded that downtown Brooklyn was more convenient for the employees it plans to transfer, 35 percent of whom live in the borough.
Using this approach, the central bank might conclude, for example, that real interest rates of 2 percent produced solid growth without fueling inflationary pressure.
The bank concluded a two-day policy board meeting today, the first of Mr. Fukui's tenure, without taking other steps on monetary policy.
The central bank concluded that that measure would be unreliable.
Unocal was unable to build its pipeline because foreign banks and governments concluded they could not do business with the Taliban.
Instead, the bank concluded on its own that the image was inappropriate.