The bank will consolidate its Houston region headquarters into the new space.
She says the offerings have become more alike as banks have consolidated.
William A. Buckingham, executive vice president, said the bank could eventually consolidate some of its branches, and benefit from the below-market leases at some locations.
The bank consolidated with Tomball Bank in 1935.
National banks could consolidate with state banks under certain conditions.
The post-Revolution reduction in economic activity and financial resources required banks to consolidate.
The bank has consolidated its executive and administrative operations in a four-story office building at 99 Church Street, where 300 employees are already at work.
Instead, banks such as Citibank announced they would rescue the SIVs they had sponsored and would consolidate them onto the banks' balance sheets.
A bank would consolidate its debt portfolio, trading off debt from Chile, for example, for that of Mexico, a country in which it had more confidence.
The company's high level of customer service, he said, makes Astoria more attractive to customers as bigger banks consolidate.