In the 20's, there was a wave of mergers and commercial banks diversified by moving into investment banking - much as they are doing today.
Another remedy is to allow banks to diversify out of real estate by selling financial products like insurance.
Already, rumors are rampant that several central banks with significant dollar holdings may diversify into other currencies.
It makes sense to let banks diversify into securities underwriting, insurance and other financial services.
Yet by the turn of the century, the bank had diversified by investing in industrial businesses.
The bank has gradually diversified its range of financial services, and began to offer insurance in 2002.
The bank has recently diversified, offering insurance and securities services for customers.
The bank has diversified among different applications of microcredit.
The changes in banking now being considered in Washington, would allow banks to become national and diversify their risks.
It was the first time a traditional bank had diversified into the instalment finance business.