A person close to the bank group said, however, that the banks were open to continuing talks with the Asian companies.
At the Nikkei's current level, the seven largest bank groups face about $41 billion in losses on their huge stock portfolios, according to some estimates.
America West said it was also asking its bank group to provide certain waivers for a short period.
Deutsche provided $200 million out of the $2.6 billion loan, people close to the bank group said.
Bankers Trust jumped 5 1/2, to 66 7/8, in a weak bank group.
Since April 1, three major bank groups have said they will post much wider losses for the just-finished year.
The bank group will receive a minority interest in Old Bay State.
His comments come four days after Japan's fifth-largest bank group asked the government for emergency funds.
But officials close to the bank group said that the lenders were merely informing the company of their legal rights in a routine move.
The two bank groups said they would notify Spain's monetary authorities of the decision early next week.