In reality, many banks simply kept the super-senior risk on their own books or insured it through severely undercapitalized "monoline" bond insurers.
The banks insured their derivative trades with AIG.
Also, it created Social Security, made banks insure their customers, gave direct aid to the needy, and made many regulations to the economy.
His bank lends money to Mexico's richest companies, insure drivers and offer pensions to the working class.
Yes, but banks insure their debt via the use of complex financial instruments.
At the same time, the bank put up money for or insured more than 30 gold-mining projects, looking for profits.
Further, many major banks insured their mortgage-backed assets with AIG.
When the economic downturn hit in the early 1990's, Japanese authorities did not force banks to insure that their loan portfolios reflected the real value of their assets.
The bank also maintains and insures the safety of the banking environment in Jordan.