From that time, highlight the British banks led by Rothschild.
It owed another $160 million to a syndicate of banks led by Société Générale.
The central bank, led by Alan Greenspan, cut the federal funds rate by a half-point for the fifth time this year.
The banks, led by Mediobanca, installed new management and effectively took control of the Ferruzzi family stake.
The company has failed to announce a commitment from its consortium of banks led by Chemical Bank.
If anything, the European central bank, led by Wim Duisenberg, is making it worse.
Of that, $234 million is owed to banks, led by Wells Fargo.
That allowed the movie and television operation to get a $350 million line of credit from a group of banks led by Chemical Bank in 1994.
The leveraged buyout was financed by banks led by Citigroup, effectively taking the company private.
An additional $:1.7 billion will be provided by a group of banks led by Citibank.