And bankers acknowledge that deregulating their industry to grant new products and services is at the top of their list.
But bankers now acknowledge that even without inflation, touched off by peso devaluation, many of the loans would probably have gone bad.
Leading bankers have acknowledged in recent months that mergers make sense.
Some bankers, who asked not to be identified, acknowledged that their goal was to underwrite even corporate debt and equity securities.
His detractors, eyeing his fleet of cars and his management style, call him a megalomaniac; even his bankers acknowledge that he rarely takes advice.
Even Mexican bankers acknowledge that the damage to their industry has been so great that there may be few alternatives but to allow foreigners into the country.
In New England, bankers acknowledge that much of the problem is of their own making.
Apart from keeping inflation low, central bankers acknowledge there is little they can do to impose stability on floating currencies.
Bank stocks fell in New York today, but bankers acknowledged that Brazil had little choice but to halt the interest payments.
While bankers felt pressure by the United States and other Governments in the Mexican negotiations, there was, nevertheless, a financial argument bankers could acknowledge.