German bankers, with no demonstration of resistance, agreed to taking state bonds into their portfolios.
The bankers tentatively agreed to provide $1.7 billion in loans.
Connecticut's problems, bankers agree, are far less serious than those in Texas and California.
One banker, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, agreed that the decision was clearly political.
An American banker with long experience here agreed.
Because such a deal would be open for three weeks, bankers would only agree to buy at a discount in case the market plummeted.
In early May, bankers agreed to buy tax anticipation warrants from the city.
But not all bankers or analysts agreed yesterday that additional reserves would be needed.
Local bankers and business experts agree that free trade will jolt some parts of the border economy.
It's just the value estate agents placed on it and bankers agreed to as there's a lot more interest to be paid.