But bankers believe the central bank also spent around $1 billion out of its reserves, intervening directly to support the franc on currency markets.
Nonetheless, American bankers believe the South Koreans' thinking has turned against them.
After 2008 no sensible government (and few bankers) believe that the free-wheeling days of the past can continue.
Although now pregnant again, Moll lets the banker believe she is available, hoping he returns.
The banker believes that capital punishment is more moral because the death sentence kills the victim quicker rather than dragging out the process.
Despite this assertion some economists and bankers believe exchange rates can be forecast by examination of key economic variables.
"If bankers and captains of industry believe Mbeki is the right man for the job, why should the others not believe?"
Do even bankers believe the sole purpose of national policy should be to protect their trading desks' capacity to do anything they want?
After the Panic of 1907, leading bankers believed a private central bank should be created to issue money.
The bankers don't believe any of that - they believe in socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor.