But many economists, bankers and officials fear such steps as those announced this week will only create more uncertainty and make matters worse.
Although the country desperately needs foreign cash to rejuvenate its economy, Russian bankers fear that foreign institutions will grab the best customers.
Many bankers had feared that the Administration would propose a systemwide restriction on insurance above $100,000, which they said would drive away depositers.
Small bankers fear interstate banking; insurance agents and securities underwriters fear added competition.
Like the promoter, the banker could also fear Relf's return to Boston.
If the approach does not raise accounting problems, as some bankers fear, then it would be a way of obscuring the interest rate that the Philippines pays.
The official line in Bonn is that it will not, but many German economists and bankers fear it will.
The bankers still fear that the regulators will regulate them unwisely and excessively compared with the non-bank banks.
No banker fears to be held to account.
Later in the day the London rate declined, so the arbitrage situation that the bankers had feared failed to materialize.