The bankers and their friends don't play by the rules so why should we.
American lawyers, accountants, economists, consultants and even bankers can all play critical roles in assisting countries to build and reform their regulatory and legal systems.
But many bankers still play what some people in the business like to call "the double bonus game."
In part, the bankers are playing the role of trusted adviser because companies are doing the swashbuckling themselves.
Billers, bankers, aggregators and consolidators can play various roles in the overall process.
You will find what an important part the speculative bankers played in the penetration of South America.
The banker plays two games, one against each of the tableaux to left and right of him.
But late last week, he appeared to retreat on his testimony, acknowledging that he and other bankers played some role in the process.
Dutch bankers played a central role in establishing banking in the Northern German city states.
"In those days, only brokers and bankers played golf," he once told The Associated Press.