If there is a slowdown on the horizon, many bankers predict it will not happen until at least the second half of the year.
This increased investment in oil is going to lead to very choppy oil prices, some bankers predict.
This banker predicted that the $1.95 billion package would be fully financed.
With each purchase, bankers have confidently predicted the recovery of retail lending.
By contrast, international bankers predict that they will pull billions of dollars out of Asia's five most troubled countries.
Indeed, one banker predicted yesterday that Resorts would turn out to be an "invisible" bankruptcy.
No foreign banker interviewed here predicted that Brazil will pay significant amounts on its debt in 1990.
Both local officials and foreign bankers had predicted that Brazil would soon resume normal borrowing operations.
Both the state's bankers and industry analysts predict that the number of independent banks, now about 85, will be cut in half within two or three years.
Although other major banks did not follow Chemical's move yesterday, bankers and analysts predicted that the higher rate would become widespread.