That is something Google's executives and bankers had sought to avoid by holding an online auction and setting such an initially high target price.
Perhaps if bonuses are drastically cut, Belco, it will encourage bankers to seek alternative employment...
There is gathering evidence that foreign central bankers are seeking to avoid the losses that future dollar investments seem to threaten.
Partly because they feared that the markets would react negatively if the meeting produced little, the central bankers sought to play down its importance.
The bankers will also seek conditions for new loans.
The private bankers seek payment of $8 billion in interest arrears.
Suppose, then, that the behavior of the economy changed in a way central bankers have long sought.
Fashion-gowned women, bankers, tradesmen and merchants sought Margaret's counsel.
But the banker has not sought out the glory that this track record might afford.
Heron has breached its banking covenants and bankers too will seek an incentive to extend loans.