As the banker had told them, there was no better way to carry money in times of difficulty.
In some corporations, a banker tells me, the ability to fish well is "virtually part of the job description."
"You really need $25 million," a banker told me.
This is the year a banker told him to feel grateful his income would only be 30 percent less than last year's.
The banker told him to ask again once he had done some of the work himself, which he did.
As bankers tell clients, get your house in order first.
Tomorrow night, when my bankers tell me that your money is in our hands, you come and you take this thing away.
A banker told me recently that there isn't any money in banks anymore.
True, but a banker can also tell me where he hid it and how.
"I'm going to give you an opportunity to fail," their cheerful banker told them.