He also urged restraint in banking deregulation.
"This is the longest consecutive period without interest rates making a significant adjustment in the seven and a half years of banking deregulation," Mr. Heady said.
He stayed on, although Mr. Greenspan strongly supports banking deregulation.
After all the stick they got for Thatcher's banking deregulation.
He did not linger over the high-profile controversies at the top of the agenda, such as banking deregulation.
Mr. Riegle is considered a friend of the securities industry, and some lobbyists fear he could halt further banking deregulation.
Several authors single out the banking deregulation by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act as significant.
Rather, foreign banks are executing very selective types of expansion tied to certain phases of banking deregulation in the United States.
Among the issues the legislators face is a trade bill hung up in a House-Senate conference, banking deregulation and an increase in the minimum wage.
Minimum reserve requirements were then abolished in the wave of banking deregulation which followed.