The city remained a regional intellectual capital, becoming a major tourist destination and a banking haven, especially for the Persian Gulf oil boom.
But these accounts can also be used to spirit money to offshore banking havens.
The secrecy provisions of banking havens make tracking down drug dealers and white-collar criminals far more difficult.
It would send a message to all banking havens for ill-gotten gold.
And if the plan fails in Montana, the state is out only about $18,000, the cost of studying how to set itself up as an offshore banking haven.
The trend continues today, with bankers dodging between downtown's international banks as they manipulate millions on this offshore banking haven.
Regardless of your views about offshore banking havens, they work.
The winners in this flight to safe banking havens range from huge foreign institutions to tiny but financially strong rural banks.
The official added that it would be wrong to single out certain banking havens for ostracism.
Eventually, a consortium of restored democracies stopped railing at their ex-dictators and instead turned their are on the banking havens themselves.