On the downtown streets, the colorful banners promoting Vancouver do little to brighten the dilapidated record store and the dark tavern with a window for walk-up service.
But in mid-June 2008, banners promoting the Long Range Transportation Plan were added on car 246.
Section D also had a large yellow banner promoting Renegades, which did not sit well with some longtime patrons who were more used to the American flag or the World Class banner displayed there.
He is far too much his own man and musician to carry a banner promoting anyone's theories.
Featured the store history, announcements, three television ads featuring Dawn Campbell and a banner promoting the Huckabees collaboration with the Open Spaces Coalition.
In Miami, state-approved banners promoting an auto race next month also have cigarette brand names on them, and smoking opponents are not pleased.
For example, I had to click a banner promoting The Lincoln Lawyer in order to determine that it was a movie rental and not the book.
Walking through his old school, he laughs when we are confronted with banners promoting school spirit days: Sleepy Seniorzzz (pajama day) and Juniors of the Caribbean (pirate day).
The event started at 11:00 A.M. near the Washington Monument, led by the American Atheist's banner promoting the separation of church and state.
The entrance to the plant is dominated by a banner promoting "The Power of Excellence," a slogan selected from employee nominations by a jury of employees.