Like the vision of Banquo's lineage, the banquet scene has also been the subject of criticism.
News of Miki's death does not reach Washizu until after he has seen the ghost in the banquet scene.
The castle they made for the banquet scene!
It is presented as a celebration of life, while Etruscan banquet scenes in earlier tombs have a more somber character.
Its central part depicts Ariadne and Dionysus in a banquet scene.
The second most important scene after the tauroctony in Mithraic art is the so-called banquet scene.
A banquet scene depicted on this relief suggests a family tomb rather than that of an individual.
"But rather than insist that he needs a throne for the banquet scene or whatever, Nick celebrates the fact that there's nothing there."
A scene on the south side of the west wall represents a banquet scene.
The three witches, for example, first emerge out of total darkness and later usurp the banquet scene - startlingly so.