McMasters' The Mark Twain Encyclopedia states that Twain did not wear a white suit in his last three years, except at one banquet speech.
Presidents tenBroek, Jernigan and Maurer have all been widely praised for their banquet speeches, which are often considered to be a highlight of the convention.
Mr. Gorbachev also made a significant concession to Finland's pride tonight when he said at a banquet speech, "I want to greet neutral Finland."
In the first and less interesting half of his show, Mr. Vawter plays Cohn as he delivers a 1978 banquet speech championing family values and decrying homosexuals and Communists.
The sharpest perspective, however, came in in a banquet speech last night by the Rev. Al Sharpton.
Like tenBroek before him and Maurer after him, Jernigan became known for his powerful banquet speeches, which he gave each year at the organization's national convention even after his presidency.
Additionally, much information about him is available throughout the literature on the NFB website, which includes his banquet speeches and other writing.
She said she can work on a banquet speech for up to eight hours straight, breaking only to use the bathroom.
He assured Iranian leaders in Tehran in a banquet speech on Monday night that his country's economic and social position was 'good, stable and balanced', according to the official Agerpres news agency.
The EU's research policy should be limited to areas such as these, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity that is fêted in banquet speeches and draft constitutions.