And both the Senate and House bills would bar immigrants from sponsoring brothers and sisters.
This month, the State Senate in Oklahoma overwhelmingly passed legislation that would bar illegal immigrants from receiving public benefits.
The Administration proposal would save $1.8 billion a year by barring immigrants from the program until they become citizens.
A provision to keep out anyone who fails to show "good moral character" would give the attorney general broad discretion to bar any and all immigrants.
But it is illegal in the United States, and it can bar immigrants from gaining permanent legal residency or citizenship.
This bill also endangers public health by effectively barring legal immigrants from Medicaid.
He struggles to explain the conservative rifts over Proposition 187, the California ballot initiative that would bar illegal immigrants from most government services.
They proposed raising the money by cutting food programs and barring immigrants from welfare assistance, provisions almost certain to be opposed by the Democrats.
A California ballot initiative would bar illegal immigrants from schools.
Supporters of the California ballot initiative, which would bar illegal immigrants from the public schools, are trying a different legal strategy.