It was an old trick to use bar soap to ease the rough parts of hard wool over the tender skin.
For that matter, you may wonder what the difference is between bar soap and body wash.
People will actually use the observation that bar soap is "dirty" as an excuse not to wash their hands.
Over the years, the bar soap has been altered into other varieties.
Another survey of bar soaps in public toilets found even more flora.
If you're tired of dry, scratchy skin, it may be time to take a break from your old-fashioned bar soap.
Until this time, laundry was done using hard bar soap and washboards.
It is not a bar soap, incidentally, but a liquid.
Using bar soap on the face can remove natural oils from the skin that form a barrier against water loss.
The company called the move the next step in consolidating its liquid and bar soaps at one agency.