And here, barring the road, was the familiar old farm gate still in place.
Its wooden turnstile still made as if to bar the road into the Duchy.
There is no way to bar the road against a dullahan - all locks and gates open on their own when it approaches.
A rearguard, that had not fought the previous day, barred the eastward road a little beyond the town and its empty bridge.
Two rather scruffier guards had barred the road this time.
The Government joined together and barred the road to the plotters.
The two soldiers continued to bar the road with crossed halberds.
They followed the pipe toward a place where a rotten gate barred the road.
Now of our advance I need say little, except that it was slow, though none dared to bar the road of so mighty an array.
If a thicket barred the road the felling-sword cut a deep gap, and the group passed in.