The service had previously said it would bar thousands of commuter students from the two countries from crossing the border in the coming academic year, potentially costing colleges and universities millions of dollars in lost revenue.
The plan would bar thousands of students who do not pass placement tests in reading, writing and math.
Not because of developer unrest, or because, if honestly applied, the changes would bar thousands of applications from the App Store, but because of fear of the legal ramifications of its policy.
The Israeli Army today sealed off the occupied Gaza Strip indefinitely, barring thousands of Palestinians from traveling to work in Israel.
It had been faced with failure rates that could have barred tens of thousands of students from graduating.
The law also barred thousands of other people who did not know of the existence of the list or that their names were on the list or why.
Two years later, the Republican-led Congress pointed to the huge budget deficit when it enacted legislation that barred hundreds of thousands of legal immigrants from receiving food stamps and Federal disability assistance.
If there was a critical moment in the decline, it may have occurred June 19, 1968, when the Department of Mental Hygiene changed its standards, effectively barring thousands of people from the psychiatric hospitals.
The government has also barred thousands of Zimbabweans living abroad - many of whom are believed to be opposition party supporters - from voting.
In 1996, Congress approved harsh bills that barred hundreds of thousands of legal immigrants from receiving food stamps and federal disability assistance.