However belatedly, he has moved to reduce violence in black townships by closing down ethnic workers' hostels and barring "traditional" weapons.
In the Philippines, a national debate over the presence of two American bases has begun with the filing of two bills that would bar nuclear weapons.
Brazil would prefer to strengthen the verification provisions of the Treaty of Tlatelolco, which bars nuclear weapons from Latin America.
It includes an anti-nuclear provision, which opponents said today could complicate relations with the United States, that would bar nuclear weapons on Philippine soil except as "consistent with the national interest."
In the latest volume, Mr. Sofaer cited several Soviet statements that, he said, reinforced the view that Moscow did not regard the treaty as barring weapons based on technology not yet developed.
A nationwide debate over the presence of two bases vital to the United States has begun with the filing in the Senate of two bills that would bar nuclear weapons from the country.
Some agreements, notably those dealing with chemical warfare, have successfully barred specific weapons in war as well.
The United States has done so only in supporting the 1967 Treaty of Tlatelolco, which barred nuclear weapons from Latin America and the Caribbean.
That is why we will work unremittingly at these meetings for a palpable breakthrough, for concrete results in reducing strategic offensive armaments and barring weapons from outer space - the key to removing the nuclear threat.
Its nuclear arms potential is crippled by a longstanding Government policy that bars such weapons from being possessed, manufactured or introduced into the country.