It was a barbaric custom, the Aedile said, a sign that the Amnan were reverting to their bestial nature.
In the Roman Empire, circumcision was regarded as a barbaric and disgusting custom.
Circumcision is a barbaric custom rooted in religious superstition.
We asked for serious suggestions, not reminders-even if intended humorously-of the barbaric customs of our remote ancestors.
Bruno had no objection to interfering with the barbaric customs of the natives, but this was not the time.
"This is not a barbaric, savage custom at all, it is a very sophisticated means of reestablishing a broken peace between two groups," he said.
"I find barbaric customs very stimulating."
The modern Skoptsys, believing that sensation was the root of all evil, practiced an even more barbaric custom.
A barbaric custom that has no rightful place in civilised society.