The barbaric, Asiatic fighting methods are originated by the political commissars.
Young Englishman who aspired to be known as "gentlemen" eschewed these barbaric methods.
Japan gets much criticism from other modern countries about such barbaric methods, and therefore arrests Miura as a matter of formality.
Opponents of the death penalty should consider the most barbaric methods of execution preferable, since they highlight the primitivism inherent in the act.
Religious leaders often turned to versions of exorcism to treat mental disorders often utilizing cruel and barbaric methods.
This "civilising mission" embraced any manner of cruel and barbaric methods to accomplish its end goal.
Kurtz employed barbaric methods not only to defeat his enemy but also to send fear.
Everything about Belash sickened him, the slanted, soulless eyes, the cruel mouth, the man's barbaric method of killing.
However, it must be said that executions by the dreaded and most barbaric method of stoning appear, thankfully, to be coming to an end.
In the early 19th century, psychology as a scientific discipline was in its infancy, and barbaric, coercive methods were generally used to treat mental patients.