Ignatieff enters dangerous territory in suggesting that government armies are less culpable than terrorists when they resort to the barbaric treatment of civilians.
And his lack of concern for the disappearing Jews and the barbaric treatment of captured peoples was all too common.
Having been at sea three days, eleven Indian crew on board mutinied against their barbaric treatment by the Spanish officers.
He suffered five years of barbaric treatment under his Muslim captors.
A guy makes one mistake in 28 years and all of a sudden he's getting barbaric treatment.
He also complained of "cruel and barbaric treatment" in prison, where he was in solitary confinement for more than 11 years.
They will discover that barbaric treatment of women and children will be self-defeating.
And many regard it as an outdated, barbaric treatment no longer in use.
If you're not Jewish or Muslim then you wont suffer the 'barbaric treatment' so whats to worry about?
"Poor food, icy rooms, and barbaric treatment-" She threw up her hands, and shook her head.