I seem to remember something about an old and barbarous custom - " "Prince Uther took me into his service.
"A barbarous custom," Lysaer said in what seemed a disjointed interval later.
It is ancient, a barbarous custom, and must I destroy my life for the sake something so--so antiquated?
Centaine would never accede to the barbarous custom of leaving the men alone with their cigars after dinner.
The barbarous customs of other worlds do not prevail in this court!
"Uncle," Rank said in an undertone, "since when have you followed the outmoded and barbarous custom of veiling your women?"
Formerly the society earned a bad reputation due to what the British viewed as the barbarous customs that were intermingled with its rites.
Se-cretly, Wetterman considered it a barbarous custom.
A barbarous custom this, to pledge a grown man to a girl who has not yet put aside her dolls!
He was "the first to depart from the barbarous custom of putting to death the captive kings" of countries fighting Rome.