I should have sent a message, but"-he glanced around the small bare cubicle and then at his leg- "I'm not exactly mobile.
Not too long after she began to worry, the door to her bare cubicle hissed open.
The office was little more than a bare cubicle containing a desk and a few chairs.
"This way please...." The nurse opened the door into a bare white walled cubicle.
He showed her into another bare cubicle where two hatchet-faced men were scribbling, and pointed to a phone that lay scratched and bruised on the desk.
The others... He was alone in a bare cubicle.
We were in the office Thorpe used as assistant headmaster, a bare cubicle on the other side of the corridor from the secretary's offices.
They explored side corridors, passed more doorways and bare cubicles of varying sizes, filled only with whatever leaves and dirt had blown in.
It was obviously an undifferentiated guest unit, the bare cubicle upon which an individual species' requirements could 232 Jerry Oltion be built.
She took his hand and drew him into an adjacent corridor and thence to a bare cubicle in which there was only a cot.