In the bare few days the girl had spent with them she had reaffirmed by her sun pie presence the things TJ had always believed.
Fancy spending so long mooning after that barmaid Sylvia, finally getting her, and then throwing her aside bare days later.
Believe it or not, R'gul, and in a bare day's time you will, the five Weyrs are empty no longer.
Just a bare day here, and you're acting and thinking like a seasoned hand!
Since they had mated on the deck of theFafnisbane a bare day and a half before, he had thought of nothing but her.
And the fact that she'd come back from public disgrace to accomplish it all in the space of three bare days only made the mindless public love her even more.
The salute reminded Abivard of how much had changed in bare days' time.
Believe it or not, R'guland in a bare day's time you willthe five Weyrs are empty no longer.
Not to mention the climate - winter lasts seven months in Scandinavia; it is dark for four months of the year, and vegetation survives a bare 160 days.
They last a bare five days in October, then vanish.