The big laser was aimed at bare granite beside the pylon's crystal shaft.
It was a bubble of bare granite sticking out of the wooded Georgia hills, like a mole on a baby's bottom.
Shoulders of bare granite loomed around him, and several caves dotted the side of this steep slope.
Artemisia watched them as they became tiny figures, trudging up the bare granite, then dipping below and out of sight.
Half the tunnels were just bare, raw rock, solid granite.
She stood on the bare granite, near the edge.
Nothing but sky and cloud above me, and around me bare, smooth granite, with a hollow where there was snow, but nowhere any trees or vegetation.
They saw bare grey granite, veined here and there with a white sparkling rock, and no seaweed.
It is a popular backpacking destination, with much barren rocky terrain at the edge of the tree line: it has extensive areas of bare granite.
Black bears, coyotes, bobcats and mountain lions are some of the larger predators in this diverse habitat of bare granite, steep slopes, meadows and mountain streams.