Its bare twigs glow with a crop of brilliant red fruit.
Possibly the most confusing conifers are the deciduous ones, those trees that lose their leaves and have nothing but bare twigs now.
The bare twigs of a climbing rose beside the window sparkled with frost in the lamp-light.
Put a few bare twigs in the cage ready for this.
Through the winter, the tracery of bare twigs against the sky reminds us that when the spring comes, life will burst out of them again.
"How polite of you to say so, considering that my roses are still only bare twigs."
Like the bare twigs of the trees, his fingers clawed space.
As he felt the cold, bare twigs whipping and scratching his face, he saw someone running about twenty yards ahead of him.
Every last clinging leaf and all the bare twigs shone damply in the sudden brief light.
He fell in behind as Ander led the way for a long while through the bare twigs of lowland scrub.