Sadly, Democrats may be better off embracing bare-knuckle politics.
In the bare-knuckle politics of Hudson County, such gestures are virtually unheard of.
She has joined Ms. Feinstein and other progressives in demanding an end to bare-knuckle politics.
But Gore realized that he needed someone toughened by bare-knuckle Democratic politics, someone with "gray hair."
But in the bare-knuckle politics of the revolutionary regime's first months in office, Mrs. Chamorro was soon relegated to an outsider's role.
South Carolina has long been known as a cauldron of bare-knuckle politics.
To state education officials, the school system in this bastion of bare-knuckle politics and cronyism is one of the worst in New Jersey.
Despite the bare-knuckle politics in Washington over trade, the voting public has not seemed deeply moved.
But while some cities coped with similar problems, Troy - where bare-knuckle politics are a blood sport - did not.
Instead, it's been a nasty firefight, the sort that Lee Atwater, that son of bare-knuckle Palmetto politics, would have loved.