With amazing speed these barefooted men, their feet inured to rocks and thorns, sped over the difficult terrain, ran up to the first waiting men, and delivered their messages.
For the barefooted man who at this moment, followed by a swarm of ragamuffins, is proceeding along the deserted road from Nazareth to Cana.
Inmeir stopped in front of Idaho and motioned the two barefooted men to wait behind her.
In the morning we found it again, just a few tracks where they had crossed a stream and one of the barefooted men had slipped.
Robed and barefooted, men whose expressions bore the hatred forced upon them by avarice of those who came after.
Manacles dripped from Dutch's wrists and connected him to the rank of other half-dressed, barefooted men that sat against the rail.
"A barefooted man?"
Waiting in the car, Darragh saw a barefooted, black man in a white singlet and trousers sitting on the sash of one of the side windows.
"It is not difficult to trace the movements of a barefooted man," Jupe told his uncle.
In his painting he shows what is an old barefooted man who is poor but proud, serious, dignified, clean.