But this day, all words were a barely comprehensible drone.
Now she lived as a fierce wild animal, according to a code barely comprehensible to Cirocco.
Around him the Hawks were talking again; their words came and went through his mind like a barely comprehensible song.
Even his language was melting into a barely comprehensible croon of tiger joy.
Her accent was so thick that the words were barely comprehensible, but the tourist understood.
Isaac gazed on in alarm as the cry became a barely comprehensible shout.
For a city of its size, Maribor seems to have a barely comprehensible number of festivals.
It was laced through with static, just barely comprehensible.
His speaking is barely comprehensible because he talks so quietly.
Since the cruiser had already hurtled out into space because of its usually wild acceleration, the communication was barely comprehensible.