Sometimes he overslept, sending him flying down to the corner bus stop in a panic, without books or lunch, barely dressed.
But there's the knowledge that they're barely dressed, and sometimes, that's enough.
She went to the door and opened it to find a tall, attractive brunette barely dressed.
His goal is to get to Key West, where the girls are barely dressed, and no one frowns on barflies.
And everyone from Screaming Media showed up barely dressed.
Having dinner with two attractive women who were barely dressed.
Some of the women looked barely dressed for the October cold, so it had to be people from the nearby clubs.
And she seemed to have forgotten that she was still wet and barely dressed.
She is also not shy, and often walks around the house barely dressed despite her brother being there, much to his objection.
They were interrogated for hours, some of them still naked or barely dressed.