Mr. Lusane, a retired construction worker from Georgia, builds sculpture in his yard from bottles, household appliances, furniture, tools and bits of barely identifiable detritus.
Now one is faced with several, barely identifiable minuscule buttons packed side by side or on top of one another'.
A few moments later she heard a crackly voice, barely identifiable as Conor's.
For example the couch was no longer a barely identifiable dot but had instead become an almost endless streak.
Many of the objects - eyeglasses, tableware, sandals, radios - are seemingly battered beyond use; some are barely identifiable as to function.
It uses a 1-70 numbering scale, where 70 represents a perfect specimen and 1 represents a barely identifiable coin.
Their shows in the early 1990s would often be three hours of semi-improvised, continuous music featuring a wealth of triggered samples, voices, and pre-recorded tracks which were barely identifiable as the original piece.
A weak system, the wave was barely identifiable as it tracked westward.
Episodes often had a surreal and barely identifiable theme and the Pythons joyfully weaved sketches throughout every show so viewers had no idea where they would be taken next.
It is largely degenerated in elderly adults and is barely identifiable, consisting mostly of fatty tissue, but it continues its endocrine function.