The spear barely pierced one of the octopus's tentacles and it turned bright red in a chromatic scream, then released its ink.
The screams of a woman nearby barely pierced the ringing in Decker's ears from the two shots.
He felt their moist warmth a moment - and felt the sharp sting of her teeth that barely pierced his skin, withdrawing instantly.
They cannot be hacked to pieces, they are too strong for that, a knife will barely pierce their skin.
The moonlight barely pierced through the canopy of budding leaves overhead.
It barely pierced his numbed mind, and he struggled to reply, but then everything blurred.
The winter sun could barely pierce the grayish clouds, and Lexie paused in front of a few lamps to turn them on.
Then rest the strip on a flat work surface and drive a nail at each end and in the middle, until the points barely pierce the strip.
The spear barely pierced it at all.
The headlights barely pierced the darkness ahead and Fenn shook his head in further disgust.