The actual message text, which is in a monotype font, is barely readable.
My hand was shaking so badly the writing was barely readable.
The barely readable inscription on the bell states it as being cast in 1842 with a weight of 400 viss (654 kg).
But she consigned those times back into the past as the barely readable smile returned.
Parizianski's lips were barely readable in the haze of pain which flooded Martel.
Some of the portraits are black heads, beautifully materialized by a few lines and modelings, barely readable against their dark surroundings.
The numbers on the dingy license plate were barely readable.
Way down on an inside page, in type so small it was barely readable, was Buhler's obituary.
This intricate process reduces the pictures to broad imagistic patterns of color that are in some cases barely readable.
The last strophe is deleted by the author, to the point of being barely readable.