"A simple majority seems to convey to some which are impacted significantly by a new standard that it barely squeaked through," he said.
The words barely squeaked out of Megan's mouth.
Skip said he'd flagged the board except for Calc, and there he barely squeaked by.
They barely squeaked through art school at Empire: their professors hated them.
Even with all their stars in 1990, the Dutch barely squeaked into the second round.
"I barely squeaked through my geology class," Pitt said, smiling.
The other 24 Representatives who faced primary voters in 7 states won, although some barely squeaked through.
Verlaine was a lazy, always dirty boy who barely squeaked by in most of his classes.
"The real concern this summer is whether we can stay in business, because we're barely squeaking by as it is."
Besides, he barely squeaked out of being victim number four himself.