The first mass was celebrated by the Rev. John J. Boyle on July 4, 1897 in a barn belonging to the Sadlier family.
The barn at Yelton, belonging to the Sisters of St Francis, needs much spent on it and we haven't anything left.
But last Saturday night, seven barns belonging to Mr. Yoder and other Amish farmers were burned to the ground and a schoolhouse was partly damaged.
A barn belonging to Charles Dodge was destroyed, while the Kensico Cemetery sustained significant hail damage.
A fire started in a barn belonging to district court judge J.F. Aurén on the morning of August 3.
It was an independent congregation that met in a barn belonging to Robert Sewell.
Next, a large barn belonging to Mr. Anderson's former establishment was cleared, and a new floor laid there also.
The first Baptists appeared in Bryn in 1848, services were held in a barn belonging to the colliery company, probably near Coalyard Row.
This one records a payment to Serenus, a stableman, for carrying hay and chaff from the barn belonging to the landlord to the stable of the monastery.
It is a museum of the social and agricultural history of Somerset, housed in buildings surrounding a 14th-century barn once belonging to Glastonbury Abbey.