Mr. Thibeau's 12 muted colors, including barn red, bayberry, mustard and pumpkin, are based on historical hues, made from earth pigments like ocher, umber and iron oxide.
Originally painted barn red, James S. Hunt, president of Coral Ridge Properties, wanted to convey a sense of the Old South on the otherwise barren landscape.
In reaction to sunlight, the barn red will fade faster than the very neutral clay color whether paint, vinyl siding or other composition.
Constructed of wood, it was painted a nicely weathered barn red on the outside.
According to the designer, Greg Andrea, the $300,000 house consists of two gabled, shingle buildings - one painted mustard yellow, the other barn red - connected by a lead-coated copper single-story recessed entry.
But CSL linguists make a practice of explaining the arrangement of various forms (/g/, red barn vs. barn red) through their related substances (air chambers, difference in meaning).
(The rest of the exterior is hand-sanded marine aluminum and textured concrete stained barn red.)
Other walls are covered with small rusty metal rectangles - adding freight car brown to the barn red.
There is also a 12,000-square-foot barn, in de rigueur picturesque red, and 11 ponds containing native brook trout, koi and a few monster mystery fish that Mr. Houshmand thinks might be bass.
Many barns in the northern United States are painted barn red with a white trim.