He logged cloud cover, barometer readings, wind direction, and rainfall.
Two ships, including the Ashburton recorded barometer readings of 28.80 inches during the storm.
"What was the barometer reading when you left?"
On 4 June, the barometer reading began to drop; and winds picked up.
The election also filled more than 12,000 local council seats across Britain, voting that is viewed as a midterm barometer reading of the party in power.
Got the barometer readings, Sergeant?
- Royal Society begins twice daily observations compiled by Samuel Horsley testing for the influence of winds and of the moon on the barometer readings.
A barometer reading of my mood would have indicated gray, wet and ugly.
Every day, observations of the general weather together with wind direction and force, the barometer reading, the shade temperature and the sea conditions were telegraphed to Wellington.
Some investigators found that pain increased when barometric pressure increased, but others found that pain decreased when barometer readings rose.