No other plants could endure the rigorous climate, and the barren environment made the fighter feel disheartened and isolated.
These are hardly big issues in the more barren environment of Bishop, on the desert floor of Owens Valley.
Announcer: After 14 days, these animals were then housed either in a barren environment, or an environment with opportunities to explore and exercise.
Keeping animals in such barren environments is a serious deprivation.
How could these monsters keep a wild, noble creature like this penned up in such an unnaturally barren environment?
You have a conscious creature, trapped on the surface of the Moon, in this desolate, barren environment.
Similar to the Burren, in County Clare, the bogland is popular with tourists for its barren and unique environment.
Whatever it is that carries the plague might not like such a barren environment.
Seemingly growing right out of the rocks, the trees will symbolize the resilience of life in the most barren environment.
By the end of this brief play, one feels that she is conscience-stricken in an environment otherwise barren of responsibility.