What, Preia Starle wondered instantly, were seabirds doing in those barren peaks?
Up among the barren peaks, the wind whined and howled, swooping down to tear at our flesh with talons of ice.
The mist had grown suddenly thicker, sinking from the barren peaks around onto the small ville as though it were a hostile, sentient entity itself.
The observatory was located on the barren peak of a great mountain more than nine miles high.
The gray-black barren peaks of the mountains were its grim supporters at either side.
Then she wandered back with Chrysom un- derground, within still water, up cold barren peaks, into magical rings of mist and gold and fire.
They headed for the nearest barren peak.
She was on a ledge overlooking a deep valley surrounded by a cluster of barren, ragged peaks.
On the Zugspitzplatt, still way above the treeline, you can walk around on the rocky barren peak.
The mountain is known for the spectacular view from its barren peak, nearly 7,000 feet above Tucson some 30 miles north.