Unfortunately, the barrier had stretched clear across the canyon, precluding any hope of slipping around it.
The five-meter-high barrier stretched ahead as far as Jarii could see.
A twenty-foot-tall barrier of impenetrable plastic stretched around the penal colony, forming an opaque wall.
She made 17 subsequent 3 to 4 week pickets on the barrier stretching from Newfoundland to the Azores through 28 July 1961, as well as one off the southeast coast of the United States.
But the most formidable barrier of all stretched menacingly across the southern boundary of the forbidden domain, beginning at the southeasterly edges of the Kierlak Desert and running eastward to the marshy borders of the Malg Swamp.
A barrier as thin as gossamer and strong as adamant stretched in front of him.
Gleaming in the sun, a few clouds in the west obscuring its upper reaches, a continuous barrier of ice the height of a mountain stretched across the land as far as she could see, marking a boundary beyond which none could go.
The barrier will soon stretch along much of the northern West Bank.
Just beyond the curve in the road that led to the flat between the two hills, he could sense a wave of Whiteness, almost as though a barrier stretched across the road, a barrier that extended from the ironwood forests far to his right and almost to the marsh.
The barrier stretches into the distance on each side and looms half again as tall as stood the tallest of the long-defunct Imperial Marines.