It is most similar to typical perversus but differs in the darker basal portion.
Their unbranched basal portion is up to 0.5 cm long, while the branches reach 0.9 cm.
Pitchers produced on older plants are generally more elongated with a narrower basal portion.
Their unbranched basal portion is up to 3 mm long, while the branches reach 14 mm.
They feed primarily in the basal portion of the inflorescence stalk.
In winter, meadow voles consume green basal portions of grass plants, often hidden under snow.
They are infundibular throughout, becoming narrower in the basal portion.
It is often compound, with several fruit bodies arising from the basal portion.
It differs in that the terrestrial traps have a wider basal portion.
The basal and anterior portion of the wing is usually darker.