Goldman's conclusion, based on market levels at the end of October, was that stocks are still overvalued.
He was based in Singapore at the end of the war.
"Mine is based on the old Irish immigrant dream of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow," he said.
Interest rates are based on the initial sum, not the sum at the end of the period.
French Navy Dauntlesses were based in Cognac at the end of 1944.
Entry to the competition was based on a club's final league position at the end of the season.
These are normally based on a monthly payment, and at the end of the agreed term the remaining debt is written-off.
Surnames based on profession with kar at the end are also very common.
It relocated in 1954 and was based at the West end of the promenade.
The eight teams were split into two groups based on their position on the ladder at the end of the home-and-away season.